Customer feedback from Jo Dean
Jo Dean worked with our consultant Becky and this is what she had to say: Thank you so much Becky!!...
Jo Dean worked with our consultant Becky and this is what she had to say: Thank you so much Becky!!...
How to address a career break on your CV Being out of work for a while comes with the dilemma...
Here are 6 tips from experts on what not to include in your CV. Your CV can make or break...
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. Everybody understands the truth in this. If you are speaking...
Does your CV pass the 30 second speed test? You can achieve much in 30 seconds. Butter a slice of...
Linkedin profile writing Linkedin now boasts over 220m users across the world. While this may not be up there with...
How much attention do you pay to the person specification? Job seekers: please read the person specification. A lot of...
Why white space is good in a CV. Many people treat their CV like a petrol tank injecting liquid black...
Another happy customer of CV Writers. One of the great privileges at CV Writers – aside from helping customers getting...